Friday, 10 March 2017

How To Come Down From Cannabis

We’ve all been there - those long afternoons of smoking or those late nights taking dabs. Honestly, there’s no better way to chill out after a long day or get the party going with some cannabis. However, sometimes we can shoot ourselves in the foot when dealing with the later effects of smoking. Some people who are a bit newer to the world of cannabis may not really know when to stop.

We’ve all watched noobies hit their first bowl session, and we have witnessed the brutal aftermath of someone whose body was not prepared for the extremely large amount of weed that they smoked. Even some of us veterans like myself will find ourselves in that weird situation of smoking a bit more than we intended, and ending up getting way higher than we meant to. While this can be a problem if it is something that you are doing regularly, getting too high once in a while is not a huge deal.

However, it can be uncomfortable and can make the process of coming down a bit difficult. Have you ever gotten too high and were unable to come down from the cannabis for a while? Well, then we recommend using some of the tips listed below in this article for the next time you happen to experience this. After all, it can be really hard to tell if you are smoking too much while everyone is just hanging out and enjoying themselves.

Before we into some of our tips for coming down from your high, we would like to also point out that there is no way to rapidly detox from cannabis - so if you’re needing to head off to take an exam or have a job interview, you may want to think twice about how much weed you’re actually smoking. However, if you want to at least lessen the high that you are experiencing and perhaps function a little bit better, then we have some great tips for you. The first tip that we have is to eat something to reduce the high that you are experiencing.

What does eating do for your high? Well, it kind of correlates with some of the reasons why people who are high on marijuana experience the munchies. The THC found in cannabis lowers your blood glucose level. Eating food will actually raise your blood sugar and stop your high from escalating. Again, this is not an instant remedy from coming down from your high, but it will definitely help keep you from going over the top. If you have taken edibles, eating something is even more effective at treating your high. You won’t be completely sober after eating a meal, but maybe you can at least get off the couch now!

Another tip that we can give you for coming down from your high is to drink some water. Liquids are not only important for hydration, but they can help your body recover from the levels of THC. You can also drink things with caffeine as a good way of waking your body up and reducing your high. Coffee and other energy drinks are great for this exact reason. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that will help improve your brain function and boost energy, so it is definitely something that can help you come down from your high. I personally love drinking iced coffee and find it very refreshing; plus, you can kill two birds with one stone by hydrating (coffee has water in it) and getting your caffeine fix for the time being. I hope that these tips were helpful!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Cannabis and Libido

When you’re looking for ways to improve attraction along with sex, libido is something that a lot of people don’t discuss. Some believe that only personality, appearances, and the like are the only influences. However, lots of people suffer from low sex drive without even actively realizing this. A lot of people are worried about this, and while there are prescription enhancements, those can be expensive. One of the ways that it can be fixed for some people though, is THC and CBD lube for their libido. 

Cannabinoids and the Sex Drive 

Sex drive is something that is not super easy. There are tons of factors, and different elements including depression, sleep, diet, the pain yore feeling, even anxiety can also alter the ability for someone to actively perform well. Marijuana can help with this, but the way this is desired depends on a few factors. The correct amounts can help in some cases, but the wrong one can play a part. 

Remember as well that CBD and THC can help with this by interacting with the receptors that work to regulate the brain and body, including sexual drive and the reproductive aspects. Marijuana also has different compounds that influence the responses and performances and it can actively interact with the female reproductive hormones and the sex organs. 

For men, the ECS is al over, and it can influence this.  It does play a good role in the development and muscle growth, and sex hormones also can impact the performance. Health issues and the way that the lifestyle occurs does mean less sex hormone manufacturing, and this can impact the libido. Cannabis, when taking this in moderate amounts, can help with the reproductive health and homeostasis, so it can provide some benefits to this. 

As for women, the cannabinoids can actually regulate almost every part of your ovarian cycle, ovarian endocrine secretions, the decidualization of the uterine area, foclliculogenesis, and also placentation, so it does get affected. CBD is on to the better ones for female sex hormones and the system, and it also balances the androgen and the estrogen production, so it can help with the sex drive that women have. 

So can cannabis help/ 

It can. 

If you have performance anxiety or are worried about something, cannabis comes in here and it can help with the proper regulation of this. It can also help with stress, by naturally calming down and helping the body relax. 

Marijuana is known to help enhance the mood too, with multiple studies that display that THC, one of the most psychoactive aspects of this, does impact the mood, and also reduces the negative feelings and thoughts that do occur. It also can dampen the libido in women and men, and it does impact the responses that are needed for the sexual performance in some cases. 

It also can help with a lot of anxiety disorders, and it can also help to manage the concerns that a person may have in terms of their anxiety, and there are ton so studies that actively look at this. 

When you’re looking at the studies and their results, both of these do offer therapeutic benefits that do make the pain a lot les obvious, reducing the inflammatory properties of this, especially when you apply this topically, or if you take it via smoking and vaping. 

So if it can help, it may help with calming down the body. while it isn’t a cure-all for many people and it shouldn’t be touted as such, this is something that can provide a lot of benefits for people who ae dealing with stress.

Common Reasons For Why Medical Marijuana Cards Get Denied

Some of you who are reading this are all too familiar with the frustration of being rejected from getting your medical marijuana card. Espec...