Is it Possible to Smoke Uncured Weed

Uncured weed is not very tasty, but you may wonder if you can smoke it.It’s not that great, and it should be avoided, but here, we’ll go over why you should avoid the possibility of smoking uncured weed. 

Cured and Uncured Weed 

Cannabis degrades the moment that you harvest this. Curing is basically an old thing that people do to preserve the material that’s organic in there, and it’s done with tons of degradable items, and for plants too. There are some major differences between both cured, and uncured weed, and they include the flavors, scent, how long it’s able to last, and the overall effects of the smoking experience. 

The potency 

The first thing that you’ll notice is the potency. When you cure weed, the THC within this gets synthesized to be THCA and other compounds that are within this. THC is basically responsible for how potent a high is.When you cure weed, it basically preserves the terpenes and the cannabinoids within this, slowing down how degraded it is, and usually, uncured weed degrades far faster. That’s why people cure it usually, so that it stays potent for far longer. 

How long Does it Last 

When you cure weed, it can last up to a year or more.

That’s because curing weed stops the growth of anything on there, including moisture, and it lets the current moisture that’s there go away, which is vital for preventing bacteria, mold, and the like from growing directly on this. 

Plus, you can cure this properly, and it can be used for up to two years because you’ve kept the potency for so long, and over time, it may start to slowly degrade, but it’s not as bad as uncured weed.

This is something a lot of growers that do this commercially keep in mind, as they want to keep it for as long as possible, so that the product doesn’t go bad. 

The Scent 

The scent of cured weed is much more mellow when you smoke it, since most of the moisture that’s there is now gone, due to evaporation. It also has the terpenes properly maintained too, in order to create a scent that’s very pleasant. 

Uncured weed, in contrast, smells like ammonia in a lot of cases, and that’s a sign of mold and other bacteria. It also might smell like freshly trimmed grass due to the chlorophyll that’s within the buds. 


Cured weed has the flavors and the smells that you want from cannabis, but uncured weed is very bitter and harsh due to all of the extra plant matter within there. 

Smoking it. 

So it leaves you the question of how it smokes. Usually, cured cannabis has a white ash or a light gray sort of color, and it’s got a hint that’s a lot smoother, a lot more gentle, and much clearer.  The wrongfully cured cannabis is one that’s like a darker sort of ash color, and it’s much harsher to smoke, and it can hurt your lungs.


With weed, smoking it uncured is the best way to do this, as it offers the top experience that you can get. 

Uncured weed is not as good since it’s very harsh. It’s also something that could have some extra that you don’t want to inhale in it, like possible ammonia, mold, and the like.

It’s better to just get cured weed or cure it yourself if you’re looking to smoke it, so that you’ll have the best experience that you can with smoking this kind of cannabis for you as well.

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